on the way home, we were wedged in between bad weather. and by bad… i mean black skies and huge hail. mayhem ahead in knoxville, and golf-ball sized hail in chattanooga. our daughter, in tuscaloosa, had been in a basement in a neighboring sorority house for two hours, and was snarkily tweeting about good times in basements #sarcasm.
{source AP}
she texted us a few hair-raising picture of tornadoes. that she took{not the one above, however}. ummmm hello… aren't you supposed to be in a basement, and GAH, those seem awfully dang close!! she assured us she was safe.her phone was low on battery, but she kept us apprised of the situation. no news is no news, right?
we arrived home, put our things away and began to check emails, etc. it wasn't long before we were scrambling to get our things and head to the basement. armegeddon was breaking out all around us. green skies, blowing winds, rain and hail. lots and lots of hail. BIG hail.
{i'd post some epic pictures here of what used to be my garden. and lawn. and the hail. but i sold my cameras, and i'm in between at the moment.}
then i got a call from the girl. one of those ugly cries that only a mom can understand.
moooooom… everything is gone!
wait. what? everything? ohmyword… your apartment gone? your car?
no. no. it's fine. but everything else, mom. it's a war zone! everything is gone!
and there you have it. from a beautiful deb on saturday to surviving an epic tornado and enduring the aftermath.
this is life. the hard part.
now the interesting part will be to see what she does with it. finals start monday. she has papers to write and exams to study for and her mind is a million miles from a library. no electricity, no internet. no interest. how the end of this semester shakes out for the students at alabama remains to be seen.
i'm praying that God's people are able to move in to this situation and love with the hands and feet of Jesus.
Lord have mercy… Christ have mercy…