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Friday, September 24, 2010

going going going

Weekend before last: Nashville. MTSU game. 
Last weekend: Auburn for the Auburn/Clemson game. 
This weekend: Atlanta. Home office time and Ga. Tech game tomorrow.
Just so there's no confusion here… we're not that big of football fans (now don't get me wrong… I'm a HUGE football fan… but not a big enough one that I have to travel every ding-dang weekend.
We're inspecting our Petro's venues at the stadiums.
And let me tell you… it ain't anywhere near fall, y'all!
Last weekend it was 99° in Auburn (awwww, c'mon, it was frikkin 100. Just say it!). To say it was miserably hot in the stands is a vast understatement.
Tomorrow proves to be equally hot, and the game is an early one. {Translation: hottest part of the day}
I'll give a full report soon.
Must. Catch. Breath. First.

Oh, and today… land of the home office. I'll certainly be practicing my Ruth skills today. I'll be praying my way to Atlanta. I'm definitely gonna be needing a full dose of Jesus before I get there.
…I'm just sayin'.


  1. Good luck with everything this weekend. I'll be thinking about you!

  2. I know you must be exhausted and frazzled!!

    Praying for you friend!!


  3. Love your blog!! I appreciate you very much for leaving me a comment on Erin's blog! I am excited to meet new bloggers and I LOVE football!!! I would travel but just can't! I'm in TX and all I hear is Football so I look forward to more of your posts!! Nice to meet you! @hipcop

  4. Sadly, I am not a football/sports fan. Sometimes hubs can get me to go see a game when it's nice out, but not in the blistering heat or the freezing cold. LOL!

  5. Keeping you in my prayers. Hope all your shops are doing well.

  6. LOL Will be praying for you on the trip to Atlanta.

  7. Hope you didn't MELT this weekend!!!


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