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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

PINT: the parent guilt edition

dude. it's tuesday. that means it's time for another installment of PINT, brought to you by supahmommy
she's a little short of post its today, but that doesn't mean there aren't alot of others dishing on a tiny note.
play along with us. who knows, you might find yourself addicted to these little sticky notes, too!


  1. Don't geel guilty. If you can give it to her, I think it's OK.

  2. she has a wonderful mother to teach her responsibility, so don't worry...:)

    does sound very nice!!

  3. Hm, is it different having a girl (duh!)? I'm just glad Mac has a roommate's dog for comfort and we have Skype. Perhaps his roommate's mom is more Martha S. than I am. That would be okay, I guess.

    I love Ramen noodles. Heading downstairs for a lean pocket lunch. Maybe I should go back to college?

  4. Trust me. She'll go through it. Not in the same ways you did, but she'll face her fire. Not that I WANT her to, but she will. And when she does, she'll need you!

  5. I'll keep updated on how things go with her. That will help me with my future collegiate.

  6. with you as a mom, I am sure she will turn out to be a wonderful woman!

  7. I totally get this. On vacation last week, Molly and her cousins were walking along discussing the curb appeal of various houses and rating them A-F. Too much HGTV in our world? I was like, sheesh, where is the struggle, people????

  8. I can only imagine what all this will feel like. My girls are too young right now. I bet both will do wonderfully!


  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I would love to go to nursing school with your daughter...if I can live with her!!! ;) Sounds like a pretty sweet spread she has!! It's all good though, nothing wrong with her having good stuff!!

  10. I thought my cinder block and wood shelving unit was quite nice. :)
    (I'm actually not kidding!) I was proud of my ability to create "furniture" on a low budget.

    For the first two years out of college, 2006-2008, I lived on a "salary" of $11,000/year. Seriously. But you know what? I made it through and I had fun those two years. My brother, now fresh out of college (been out for 8 months), told me yesterday that he can't afford the painkiller prescription for his foot because he doesn't have the $30 copay. I asked how that's possible considering he makes 4 times what I made at that age, and he was baffled how I could have lived off so little. He apparently doesn't have money, because he just spent a "bunch" while on TDY in Nebraska and on a new leather couch.

    With all of that said, John and I have decided that when we have kids and they grow up into little college students, we will pay for the equivalent of living in an on campus dorm. Looks like cost of living is just great in Alabama!! Hopefully she understands that and if she moves elsewhere after graduation, she'll have a great appreciation (if she doesn't already) for what you and your husband have given her.

  11. Yeah, send her to a third world country for a year and the rest of us can move into her room. :-) The rest of us who ate those Ramen Noodles and had horrid little cramped spaces with snitchey roommates. Hardwood floors? Stainless steel appliances?? (Oh jealousy rears its ugly head. I want stainless steel appliances!) :-)

  12. love, love, love this. my college apartment was dank, nasty and just plain weird. NOW the "dorms" in the very same university look like something out of a friggin' RESORT! there's a tiny town with quaint coffee shops, sidewalk cafes and a POOL. A POOL. Not kidding. The thing looks like a nice hotel. And while I am a bit be honest, it irks me on a deeper level. These kids need the Ramen Memories. It's good for them. Because the Good Lord knows that they won't be living like that the first years after graduation!!!

  13. This are great notes. Wow, it sounds like she has it pretty nice this year. We love to spoil our children and we will always worry.


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