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Friday, May 1, 2009

wild ride a comin!

i have just sent the baccalaureate program and bookmarks to the printer and have contacted both of our speakers and wrestled with the program performers (do you want to know how hard it is to get high school seniors to agree to do anything this time of year??) in order to get all the pieces nailed down, etc. good feeling to know we are beginning to pull this event together. it happens next sunday, on mother's day. i'm still sorta holding my breath, but it's at least coming together.

i feel sorta like i'm on a rollercoaster that's peaked and is now careening to the bottom. my stomach is somewhere in my throat and the wind is whipping through my hair. as much as i want to scream in terror, i'm striving to raise my hands and laugh out loud and pretty soon. . . i'm going to exclaim, "ohmystars!! that was one glorious ride!!"

after next sunday, which is the baccalaureate/open house/graduation party/mother's day extravaganza, i can relax and enjoy the rest of the graduation festivities.

oh, and did i mention tomorrow night is prom?? and my husband is out of town? and six girls are getting ready here?? and all their parents are coming over for pre-pictures (because all FOURTY-FOUR of them will be taking pictures at the park before dinner) and i'll be entertaining?? and that i have dust bunnies the size of tumbleweeds??



  1. Busy weekend! I hope you survive. Good luck!

  2. I remember when I was a senior in high school. I am sure my mom felt about the same way that you do. She survived not once but THREE times! (i was the youngest)

    Hang in there. :) I hope you share some pictures from Prom. I love getting dressed up fancy.


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