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Friday, July 31, 2009

encouragement blog hop

Russell French photo.

Remember, man does not live on bread alone: sometimes he needs a little buttering up.

—John C. Maxwell

for one who has a rather critical spirit, a tendency to see the glass as "half full," and to be one who is oftentimes guilty of beating myself up before someone else can, i forget the power of encouragement. i know how much it makes my soul sing when i get a word of encouragement. and i also know the sting of criticism, and how defensive it makes me feel.
they say children need to hear five positive things to off-set one negative thing. kids get corrected alot. but so do adults, so i guess it's important to be the kind of person that is a tank-filler, not a tank-sucker. not a very pretty visual, but it does cause me to ponder.
i'm thankful for this little exercise today. to focus on encouragement.
and in the words of paula deen, "everything's better with a stick of butter!"
so i'm taking this to heart. beyond the encouragement i already give, i am going to really, consciously pursue being an encourager.

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Good plan! Maybe we need to post those five positives on our computer monitors for daily encouragement. I need to keep mine in my car because normally when I'm reading my rejection letters it's after retrieving them from my PO box!

  2. What a great post! And I completely agree.

  3. I like to call it cheerleading...I like having them around and I feel pretty good being one!

  4. Thanks for the encouragement.....I enjoyed your blog....What a great post...

  5. You've always left me encouraging remarks. Thanks! ;)


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