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Thursday, February 5, 2009

killing time one word at a time

one word
a fellow blogger posted this challenge to answering these questions in
only one word. for someone like me that likes to talk, this is quite the exercise! I'd love it if you play along. Just copy and paste on your blog and enjoy! Happy Thursday!!

1. Where is your cell phone? pocket
2. Your significant other? upstairs
3. Your hair? clean
4. Your mother? heaven
5. Your father? deceased
6. Your favorite thing? laughter
7. Your dream last night? tardy
8. Your favorite drink? fresca
9. Your dream/goal? legacy
10. What room you are in? office
11. Your hobby? reading
12. Your fear? accident
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? christening 
4. Where were you last night? basketball
16. Muffins? poppyseed
17. Wish list item? telefoto
18. Where you grew up? wisconsin
19. Last thing you did? coached
20. What are you wearing? khakis
21. Your TV? off
22. Your pets? dachshunds 
23. Friends? real
24. Your life? satisfying
25. Your mood? timid
26. Missing some one? nah
27. Car? chattanooga
28. Something you're not wearing? thong 
29. Your favorite store? target
30. Your favorite color? periwinkle
33. When is the last time you laughed? tonite
34. Last time you cried? yesterday
35. Who will blog about this? noone 
36. One place that I go to over and over? china
37. One person who emails me regularly? tammy
38.My favorite place to eat? TOT
39. Why you participated in this survey? procratination 
40. What are you doing tonight? working

it's not exactly the deepest musings, but hey, it's something on a day where i just wasn't feelin it.

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