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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

post-it note tuesday. . .

thanks to my friend kimber, i have a new skill.
summing up my world in a post-it note. and better yet, there's a website dedicated to making your own. head on over and play along! so flippin cool!!

thanks to SupahMommy for hosting this party every tuesday. i'm hooked.


  1. Great post it's!!! You should watch big bang theory it's so funny!!!

  2. Love it!

    Oh, and Kimber, I'm a fan of The Big Bang Theory.

    BTW, winter IS also up north where it does belong. Sigh. Down vest in the classroom today, and NOT because it's fashionable.

  3. Seriously, it's not supposed to be this cold in the South!

  4. I'm sorry to hear you have been reduced to a southern popsicle. That totally cracked me up!

  5. I know! If its gonna be this cold it could at least snow!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  6. I love meeting other Post-Its peeps! And as I mentioned, this weather is killing me. Snow supposed to start here again tonight, followed by an "arctic blast." I am going to die.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I'm about to become your newest follower!

  7. enjoyed your post its! this was my first week to play has been a blast reading everyones post its...

  8. I must join in, I just love these posts.

  9. this southern Popsicle thinks the cold should take a hike too!

    and if your christmas puts itself away, can you send it to teach mine?!?!

  10. If you ever find a way to get your blog to write itself I am so paying for your Stopping by from Supah's :)

  11. HA. I totally am the one who turned Kimber on to The Big Bang Theory (2 days ago mind you!) and it IS hysterical. You will love it! And b/c of you, I've added OTH to my Netflix!

  12. Stumbled upon your blog, and I am originally from TN. I now live in the Austrian Alps, and I find it so funny that you guys have gotten more snow than US over here!! Oh well, so much for that global warming, huh? Love the sticky notes, btw! :o)


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