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Saturday, January 2, 2010

mrs. clean

mrs. clean…
i'm not.

we've got company coming over tonite. and my kitchen (which is white) needed some serious triage. gah.

as did the whole house. double gah.

we're having seared tuna steaks with some sort of rice business (haven't decided yet) and green beans almondine. probably do some bread, and our guest is bringing the salad.
i'm in the middle of making cookies and cleaning and trying to decide how to hang picture frames for a project on my wall.
and my dumb dachshund is barking in the garage (lower level) when i'm right here in the kitchen where there's a perfectly functional door. i'm just sayin'…

oh, and i need a shower. calgon… take me away??


  1. Have a great dinner party! Candlelight and laughter make all dust bunnies disappear!

  2. I've missed on the Calgon thing. I think that may be a travesty.

  3. wow...that first pic is MARVELOUS!! what did you use to take that pic?!
    I love your "project"....isn't that your thing you won from MckMama?! {jealous}
    try to breathe!

  4. True, dim the lights and light the candles.

    I once met a woman who was walking her weiner dog, she called him a leash lizard...

    Have fun with friends!

  5. It's the good times with good friends and good food that matters most, no one really notices or remembers the rest!!

    Hope you had a great night!


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