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Saturday, March 20, 2010

look who came out to play while i was away!?

i should have known that after three years of waiting, my orchid would bloom while i was away and after my nikon bit the dust. i've become so spoiled by being able to take nicer photos. i was so excited to see her last night when we got home. actually, she surprised me when i went over to toss our newspapers in the recycling pile. what a pleasant sight after a long (and dramatic) drive home.
the daffodils outside all popped out while we were away, despite the nasty cold and rainy weather. daffodils are hardy like that. i love that they brave the cold weather just to give us a little pick me up.
sure do love me my spring flowers. and i love how they don't all bloom at the same time. God just paces me right through the days of spring. pretty soon we'll see some bradford pears (seeing is better than smelling, just trust me on that one) and my all time favorite, the red bud (but with purple blooms… go figure).
i'm savoring each and every moment.
even though i don't have a camera that adequately captures the beauty. (sorry to grouse, but i'm just so steamed about my camera!)


  1. We are weeks away from those spring blooms, so thank you!

    Not to mention...we live in a townhouse where they tear out just about anything we plant...

  2. Whoops, guess I'm still signed into my book blogger I.D.

  3. She is so pretty, my favorite color too!

  4. What a beautiful flower! At least she stayed out so you could see her!

  5. I must've missed the story about your camera. I'll go look now.

  6. What a great surprise! The crocuses are finally starting to bloom here, too. Horray, spring!

    So what's going on with your Nikon? Does it give you error messages? Admittedly, I'm a Canon user, but I'm not completely foreign to Nikon systems (and wouldn't mind switching at some point).

  7. Thanks for coming by my blog! I'm following you now and look forward to getting to know you in days to come!

    That flower is just gorgeous! I love Spring! Such a vivid reminder of new life, and new beginnings, and hope for warmth and beauty again even after a cold gray winter!

    Sorry about your camera! Hope you're able to repair or replace it soon! :)

  8. I think our spring flowers should be coming soon....that is, if the 8 inches of snow we got over the weekend didn't ruin 'em.



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