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Friday, March 20, 2009


ohhhhh where to begin??

and perhaps obsession is too strong of a word, but i'm not gonna lie… there are some things that have got me rather captivated lately. (and captivators didn't sound quite right. sounds down right sketchy)

sorry, i'm back.


can i just tell you that i'm pumped about spring? 

and daffodils!

what is it about daffodils that just makes my heart sing!!? is it the way they reach their tender stalks to the sky with their trumpets of clean brilliance? or the way they bend to the earth, burdened under the morning dew or too chilled by the overnight temperatures to venture upright for fear of getting colder… i dunno, but i am lovin' the daffodils.

steel cut oats.

i was intrigued by mckmamma's steel cut oat post (please don't look for a link to the actual post here, folks, i'm much too lazy) that i emailed to ask more. bought some. tried some. love 'em! takes a bit longer than the one minute microwave job, but ohhhhh so much more flavorful. and i can just hear my arteries and my digestive system rejoicing. toss in some craisins and a little splenda, and voila!  amazingness in a bowl.

i told you i was obsessed!


i started a block of the month project a few months back in an effort to learn some new knitting stitches beyond the ole knit and purl. i'm proud to say i'm two for two in completion so far and have learned to cable! what!!? yes. yarning over, purling and knitting from the back loop, adding, subtracting and much much more! who knew?? i enjoy the fact that i can bring it wherever, i can do it while i'm watching college basketball, or whenever. and i love that each block is going to tell a story about where i was when i was knitting.

month one had a good portion completed as i sat with bama-girl at jeuvy (you know, juvenile detention) waiting for an audience with the judge. this is a post all to its own, and i promise to tell more. 

and month two i completed a tremendous amount waiting for boy wonder to get out of surgery when he was getting his bone graft. took alot longer than we were expecting. i'm really glad i had something to distract!

i'm also rather partial to my little stitch markers that i made. 

i start a new block in two weeks (whoop whoop, i finished early!) and pretty much can't wait!

there are many more things i'm passionate about, but i don't have all day to write, and i don't want to bore you. 

what are you passionate about, or do you have an obsession to share?

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