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Saturday, March 21, 2009

random picture challenge

a little fun from the folks at 4 LM & GT (where you can participate in the fun if you'd like),

3rd folder
1st picture with the color BROWN 

this is from last summer as we were prayer walking through downtown guiyang. never have prayer-walked before, but it was very gratifying. learning to walk and look and pray with the eyes of Jesus. what a blessing.
and as i look at this picture, i was praying that the Lord would make it abundantly clear about going back this summer. i have to opportunity to help lead another trip… but i have so many other things on my plate. and then there's raising support. i know, if He wants us there (and by us, i mean the hubster, bama-girl and i), He'll provide… i'm just so needing to hear His voice…


  1. Brings me back to my time in Taiwan as a college student... Praying that the Lord would reveal himself to the Taiwanese people!

    I pray that you would have a clear call and direction.


love me some comment love… thanks so much for taking the time to share your heart with me!