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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

good enough and powerful enough

trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. in all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.  ~Proverbs 3:5-6

i can still hear the song i learned when memorizing that scripture. 

but do i believe it? i mean really believe it?

i've been thinking and praying for a little guy named stellan since his life turned upside down on sunday. and i've read what his mom wrote in her blog about trusting God, knowing that He has everything just where He wants it. He is in complete control.

of course, i have no idea where all of this will end up with stellan. but of this i am certain. God is in the middle of all of this, and right there beside him is mckmamma, pointing right to Jesus. faithfully proclaiming what she knows to be true. that God has healed him once in utero, and if it's His will, He will do so again. 

in BSF this morning we were talking about Moses, and the act that landed him on the wrong side of the fence of the promised land. his lack of faith that God is good enough and powerful enough. for anything and everything. we have to trust.

trust Him with all of our hearts. leaning not on our understanding. mckmamma said it best:

"See, God is GOD. His ways are higher than mine. I am human, mortal, made of mere flesh and blood. Sure, I have the Holy Spirit living inside of me, and a very capable brain, but I am still made right now for this earth. It is impossible, literally actually honestly impossible, for me to ever (while still treading this earth that is not my ultimate home), understand God in the same way that I can understand a mathematical equation."

this side of heaven we just lack His vision.

just like moses, who couldn't see or understand why God would extend mercy and grace to the israelites again. and in moses' book, it was over. he was done. he was tired. and so over them. and he didn't trust God to know what he was doing; that He was good enough, or powerful enough. 

i'm going to continue to pray for stellan. and while i don't completely understand why a five month old little guy has to fight for his little life, i do understand that all over this situation, God is getting the glory. mckmamma, you are such a sweet witness for His mercy, grace and power. your faith is a beacon to the lost. your strength an inspiration to the weary. may God richly bless you, friend. and may you continue to proclaim His glory. and we'll stand beside you and do the same.

to God be the glory!


  1. What a wonderful, thoughtful post.

    Amen is right!


  2. What an amazing post, you're words have touched me, I only wish I could write my faith out so clearly and beautifully as you do!


love me some comment love… thanks so much for taking the time to share your heart with me!