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Tuesday, April 28, 2009


they say time flies, and it does! 

i'm about to head into the shower (thanks to jillian, i'm a sweaty mess, but i'm a DONE sweaty mess, thank you!) and leave to go pick up boy wonder from college. well, technically, i'm picking up boy wonder's stuff. he is staying behind for a end of the year leader's party with young life.

ummm where in the heck did my new college freshman go?? he is now officially a sophomore!! not only was it just last week that i birthed that kid, but yesterday, we dropped him off at school!! 

remember how time flies??

i'm snowed under by may activities and it isn't even may yet! graduation announcements still need to be mailed, baccalaureate still needs to happen in just over 10 days, toss in a little prom action this weekend, graduation, my nephew's baccalaureate and graduation and oh! a whiffle ball banquet that we are catering (at our house) and i pretty much want to take a huge bath.

calgon anyone?

except our bathtub probably needs cleaning. i'll add that to the ever-growing list.

calgon. . . 

and a martini!

(i'm just kidding people. i don't drink until after 2 pm. KIDDING!! i really don't drink much at all. i just like to WRITE about drinking. less calories that way!)


  1. Good luck at getting it all done!

  2. Yay for YL! I was in YL in high school and did the leadership training in college.

    You definitely have a lot going on. I hope you're able to get everything done that you need to do and enjoy everything in between!


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