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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

out the front door

needing a little inspiration today. although i don't know why. it is a spectacularly gorgeous spring day. and a bit of a surprise, since it's supposed to be raining today. but instead, we're blessed with cerulean blue skies. oh, if only i didn't work in a cave…

so i am hopping in, midstream, of a photo challenge over at everything but the grill. a look at our lives. and today is a view from our front door. you can check out the other photos and see what cool things are right out our front doors. 

outside our door is a japanese maple or something in that family. i love to watch it in the spring because it transforms so quickly, that if i don't snap it every few days, the next thing i know, BAM! it's full of leaves.

i am captivated by how the rain lingers on the little spring packages emerging.

the pointy leaves that almost look like fingers stretching out in the blue sky. i love the little whirly birds that come out and sparkle in the early morning sunshine. i don't know why i'm obsessed with this tree, our red bud, and our dogwood. more on those later. 

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love me some comment love… thanks so much for taking the time to share your heart with me!